Monday, April 24, 2017

Igbo Bg Assignment

NOTE: The background assignment is presented as a speech given in the Victorian Era about why it is unjust to have colonies.

I greet each and every one of our prestige guests to the Royal Colonial Institute. We gather to speak of the colonies, how we may regard them as an extension to our prestige empire. However, to what extent do we speak of the culture and lifestyle of our extensions? Do we stop and think about the peoples under our empire? The Igbo people are just one of them, but they were just as much as a civilization as we are today. What do you know about the Igbo people?

After witnessing their society first hand, I must say that their culture has captivated and beheld me. Their customs and way of life before we had ‘taken them under our wing’  is truly fascinating. I was in the company of an Igbo man, where traditionally a kola nut would be broken and shared amongst us. I enjoyed learning their idioms and phrases, too. I learnt that iron forges has been a part of their culture for centuries and developed unique techniques. They have such a rich culture that even a vegetable has such an impactful meaning, such as the yam. The Igbo believe that the yam is the first agricultural turning point for them.

Staying in a village was insightful, I developed a deeper understanding and passion for these people that I can only say it is unfair to assume they are savages when they have such intricate democratic and social aspects that just differ to our own. Women contributed largely to their society and are in charge of religious duties and are able to commerce freely and gain ranks just as their male counterparts. Everybody in this society contributes to a greater goal of keeping civil and peace, therefore it is unjust to ruin that when they have lived so long without the help of our empire. We should also keep this in mind to other lands that are an 'extension' to us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mariam!
    Not only was your blogpost written in a short and concise manner but you have also exemplified capturing persuasive language and techniques in your text such as pathos and ethos. Having said that, it consolidates your understanding of the basic conventions of a speech. However, I think that perhaps incorporating a detailed account of the information from the readings assigned by Mr. Michael would have enhanced your speech.
