Saturday, November 25, 2017

Parody Article


The bias in the original article is from more of a central or left-leaning point of view as it highlights the note of “free speech” but also trying not look like they to support Richard Spencer. What I have written is a parody from a more right-leaning perspective to enhance how ridiculous the university sounds as they have to make a decision whether or not they should let a Nazi speak at their venue. Personally, it shouldn’t have been as hard as a decision they make it out to be. I implied the topics of free speech, ignorance and the reluctance of liberals in my parody.

Difficulties Arise As Pressing Decision To Host Genocide-Advocate At Ivy-league University

Known rich gentleman, Kyle K. Kelvin, was recently put under fire after requesting to host a lecture at an Ivy-league university. He comes from a good background of hardworking Americans and had graduated summa cum laude in his year and has a degree in philosophy. Surely, an intellectual man such as this would know a thing or two. His proud heritage is under attack, after all, it would be beneficial to have more intellectual people such as him speak. Never mind the people who come from communities currently suffering under the iron fist of imperialism and systematic prejudice! They’re everywhere these days!

“As liberals,” The headmaster spoke, “We must keep the right to free speech for everybody- Including people who desire to wipe out entire races of others.”

The headmaster agrees, despite having contradicting views with Mr. Kelvin, the right to free speech is a human right that shouldn’t be avoided. As someone who has never properly paid attention in class while we were learning civil rights, it goes without saying that freedom of speech clearly goes without saying! Anything goes.

After an interview with Mr. Kelvin, he shared his thoughts on the matter, “The people who disagree with me clearly aren’t smart enough to think for themselves,” he says, bringing an eye-opening statement to the political scene. “What’s so wrong about genocide when you’re clearly superior?”

“Why do you think people deserve to die?” Asked the interviewer to Mr. Kelvin.
“Well… Isn’t it obvious?” He paused and then motioned to himself, laughing at the interviewer.
While some liberals disagree with him, they do however agree he should have the right to speak. What’s going to happen when an advocate for white nationalism speaks to a group of highly influenced young minds? Nothing, probably. What they’re trying to do is censor his right to free speech, but in the end Mr. Kelvin had won the rigourous battle against those who disagree.

There have been some controversies with Mr. Kelvin in the past and present, for example he had recently held a peaceful protest against the opening of a Planned Parenthood and had been punched by brutal rioters. But now, this is a win for the right everyone has fought to protect- Free speech. As mentioned before, anything goes! Even malicious hate speech towards historically oppressed peoples- But god forbid you make a remark about the injustice in the government and system.

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